Applications The EPG is designed for precise speed control of diesel, gas, gasoline engines, and gas turbines. The governor is especially suited to prime movers without a mechanical drive or hydraulic oil supply for the governor and which have low-mass, low-friction fuel linkages. Controls are built with dynamics designed for specific engine applications. Units with start fuel limit can prevent startup overspeed and excessive startup smoke. The start fuel limit is automatically removed when the engine nears selected speed. The EPG is compatible with a full line of Woodward accessories providing for various levels of precision control of electrical generation or other processes. Custom installation kits for a number of engines are available from Woodward. An EPG system with position feedback from the actuator provides start-fuel limiting, actuator compensation, droop, and added stiffness. Description The 512/524 and 1712/1724 EPGs are three-component governing systems for 12 or 24 Vdc operation. All EPG systems include an actuator, an electronic speed control, and magnetic pickup. Isochronous electronic controls are available with either start-fuel limit or with switchselected dual dynamics. Droop controls are available for certain types of parallel generator application. Load sharing devices are available for use with the isochronous models used in paralleled applications. The selected EPG actuator is mounted on the prime mover and mechanically linked to the fuel control. The rotary design and output shaft on both ends gives 30° (512/524) or 35° (1712/1724) clockwise or counterclockwise travel to low-mass, lowfriction fuel linkages. Preloaded internal return springs supply the shaft torque in the decrease-fuel direction and for shutdown should the electronic control ** be lost. A rugged cast aluminum housing permits installation of the speed control on the engine skid.